fardell24 Mar 26, 2023 17:54
isaiah, genesis 3, gospel of mark, genesis 2, romans 1, 1 kings 19, genesis 18, 2 corinthians 3, gospel of john, 2 corinthians, acts 1, zephaniah 3, mark 2, church camp 2023, john 14, matthew 28, romans 12, psalm 23, proverbs 13, gospel of matthew, church, church camp, zephaniah, 1 kings 18, isaiah 41
fardell24 May 22, 2022 16:01
ephesians, ecclesiastes, romans 1, ephesians 2, ecclesiastes 3, church
fardell24 Nov 08, 2020 13:40
proverbs 28, deuteronomy 6, john 3, romans 1, gospel of john, 2 corinthians, 1 samuel 1, 1 peter, psalm 139, job 11, philippians, gospel of matthew, church, sermon on the mount, matthew 6, 1 peter 1, 2 corinthians 13, john 1, philippians 1, romans 6
fardell24 Oct 18, 2020 16:14
jeremiah, john 3, gospel of mark, romans 1, matthew 11, gospel of john, acts 2, 40 days of prayer, jeremiah 29, hebrews 10, ephesians 4, 1 corinthians 3, john 13, john 3:16, ephesians, acts, growing up into christ, mark 10, gospel of matthew, church, 1 corinthians 9, 1 corinthians
fardell24 Aug 26, 2019 20:04
isaiah, isaiah 49, gospel of mark, isaiah 42, romans 1, genesis 18, matthew 3, malachi, 2 corinthians, acts 3, mark 9, malachi 3, matthew 12, ephesians, micah 5, matthew 17, acts 13, bible study, acts, mark 10, matthew 20, gospel of matthew, romans 10, micah, romans 11, 2 corinthians 6, ephesians 1, finding jesus in isaiah
fardell24 Aug 11, 2019 15:51
john 3, romans 1, james 1, gospel of john, 1 john 1, 1 peter 2, john 14, acts 4, john 3:16, 1 corinthians 1, 1 peter, hebrews 4, acts, romans 5, 1 john, romans 10, church, hebrews, 1 corinthians
fardell24 Apr 14, 2019 16:30
matthew 9, romans 1, john 3. john 3:16, gospel of john, gospel of luke, matthew 24, luke 19, psalm 36, john 14, matthew 28, evangelism, palm sunday, gospel of matthew, church, the great commission, 2 peter 3, 2 peter
fardell24 Jul 22, 2018 15:37
john 3, majesty, romans 1, psalm 33, gospel of john, church, psalm 19, psalm 8, john 3:16, god's majesty in creation
fardell24 Jun 10, 2018 15:35
all age service, romans 1, beautiful feet, prayer, romans 10, 1 timothy 1, church, isaiah 52